Modern Slavery

Mission to Tackle Modern Slavery & Labour Exploitation

The Mission

Materialised acknowledges the profound humanitarian need to help minimise the conditions of modern slavery and labour exploitation prevailing in global supply chains.

Founded in 1980, we have spent decades forging strong relationships with reputable mills worldwide and are proactive towards this mission by being transparent with critical information that will help minimise the risks of modern slavery. However, we want to do more to mitigate risk.

To this end, we are proud to have engaged modern slavery and sustainability leader Libby Staggs, of Sustainable Business Matters. Together we will develop a strategy to map out actions to examine our supply chain, to understand where modern slavery risks may lie.

About Libby Staggs

Libby Staggs, Sustainable Business Matters, Modern Slavery and sustainability leader
Libby Staggs, Sustainable Business Matters

As an expert strategist in sustainable supply chains, modern slavery and human rights, Libby Staggs works exclusively with values-driven organisations to educate, inspire, empower and activate.

“This process requires knowledge, experience, expertise in human rights and modern slavery due diligence, and we can’t do it alone,” says Catherine McGowan, Head of Marketing & Sustainability at Materialised.

“Libby is very well known in the industry and her knowledge and passion fires people up! I’ve seen her speeches rouse spontaneous applause from architecture and design audiences. It’s this energy, deep drive and commitment to raising awareness that means she is the right expert for us.” – Catherine McGowan.

About Modern Slavery

There are estimated to be 49.6 million people working in slavery, worldwide.

Modern slavery is a situation where someone has taken away another person’s freedom to control their body or their freedom to choose to refuse certain work or to stop working. Freedom is taken away by threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power and deception.

“In order to address the crime of modern slavery and the broader human and labour rights issues, it is essential that we focus on global supply chains to bring about long-lasting positive change.”

“I work with small to medium size companies and together we engage with their suppliers to find solutions. It’s a collaborative process to making working conditions fair and equitable. Box ticking won’t end modern slavery, meaningful action will!” – Libby Staggs.

Modern Slavery Legislation In Australia

Modern slavery mission statement

Thousands of Australian businesses are reporting under the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act (2018) which includes large corporations, educational institutions and charities. Australian companies that are procuring goods from high-risk countries and regions including the Asia-Pacific region may unwittingly be complicit in modern slavery and human rights abuses.

This legislation also indirectly affects the companies that supply goods and services to these businesses and Commonwealth or NSW Government departments.

“There is an opportunity for smaller companies, like Materialised, to voluntarily report under the Modern Slavery Act.” – Libby Staggs.

Materialised’s Plan

We have already worked with Sustainable Business Matters on understanding social and environmental sustainability, with Libby training key internal staff in 2023. The next phase begins in August 2024 with ‘understanding modern slavery’ team training. Then comes policy commitment and an action plan, followed by a responsible/ethical sourcing policy and procedures.

“This is a critical part of our sustainability program, our continued commitment to our clients’ moving forwards, and literally changing lives. We‘re in!” – Catherine McGowan.