Category: Patricia Braune

The Bay Lines Collection by Patricia Braune

Where Nature Meets Elegance The Bay Lines Collection by Patricia Braune was inspired by the serene beauty of East Australian coastal flora and textures. Drawing from the picturesque landscapes and soothing energy of Nelson Bay, each illustrative interpretation within the collection is a heartfelt homage to the calming allure of life in the Bay. GO … continue reading


4 Commercial Design Stories for New Architectural Collection

Commercial design inspiration abounds with Patricia Braune’s new collection, Sanctuary Lines. These incredible designs are printable on any of our commercial wall covering, fabric and roller blind base substrates, right here in Sydney, Australia. This time, Patricia takes us on a journey through the curves and shadows of sand, the dimensionality of woven grasses and the … continue reading

Kangaroo Paws & Pot of Gold, Sparkling, Patricia Braune

Patricia Braune Capturing Our Iconic Australian Spirit

Enamoured by Patricia Braune’s whimsical hand-drawn illustrations, we are proud to welcome her into the Materialised family. Here are some words by Patricia to introduce her new collection to you… Inspired by the gratitude I feel to be able to live in such an amazing country, I felt compelled to create an Australian Collection. I see beauty … continue reading