Lanark & Lanark Vault Wall Vinyl

Lanark Vault installation

Installation Guide

Instructions for the installation of our Lanark and Lanark Vault wall vinyl collections.

Important Information – Read Before Installing

Like other building products the successful use of vinyl wall covering requires that it be selected, installed, used and maintained in compliance with all of these instructions.

You must read and understand all of these instructions prior to installing vinyl wall covering.

If you have any questions seek advice from an experienced building professional before proceeding. These instructions supercede and replace all prior instructions.

Moisture Elimination, Permeability & Mould

Successful use of vinyl wall covering requires building walls that are not subject to moisture accumulation. One of the characteristics of vinyl wall covering is that it has little or no moisture permeability. This characteristic can be an important benefit in terms of durability, cleanability and wall protection. However, if deficiencies in the design, construction or maintenance of a building, or other circumstances, allow liquid or vapor moisture to accumulate in a wall or wall cavity, vinyl wall covering can act as a vapor barrier restricting the escape of moisture and increasing the risk of mold growth and other building damage from trapped moisture.

There are many possible building deficiencies that can lead to moisture accumulation in a wall or wall cavity including unsealed building exteriors (roof, walls, windows, etc.); inadequate or unbalanced HVAC systems (including failure to maintain positive pressure in a building); absence, inadequacy or misplacement of an exterior wall cavity vapor barrier; use of wet construction materials; leaking pipes; etc.

Depending on the condition of a building, moisture accumulation can be more likely in hot humid climates.

Good design, construction and maintenance practices can prevent moisture accumulation. In all cases, moisture and sources of moisture accumulation must be eliminated before installing any wall surfacing material.

Mould inhibitors contained in the vinyl, adhesives and primers used for wall covering will not prevent mould growth if moisture is allowed to accumulate in a wall or wall cavity. Prompt corrective action to eliminate moisture accumulation is always required.

Increased Permeability

Conventional vinyl wall covering which is given high quality perforation, and properly installed and maintained on a permeable wall surface in compliance with these instructions, will have greater permeability than conventional vinyl wall covering which has not been perforated.

The level of wall covering permeability achieved will vary greatly depending on the quality of perforation, number of holes, size of holes, consistency of perforation and the potential for hole closure or obstruction. In addition, the permeability of an interior wall can be affected by many factors, including wall construction, wall materials, wall conditions (including the type, thickness and number of layers of paint or primer) and wall surface preparation.

If a wall already has low or no permeability, then installing perforated wall covering will not provide any permeability benefit to the wall system. Walls should be tested for permeability prior to installation of perforated wall covering.

Neither perforated nor any other type of wall covering is a solution for and should not be used in buildings which have or may have wall or wall cavity moisture accumulation or other moisture problems. Neither perforated nor any other type of wall covering will prevent mould growth or other moisture related damage if moisture accumulation is permitted to occur in a wall or wall cavity.

Prompt corrective action to eliminate moisture accumulation is always required.

Note: Perforated wall covering will not be as cleanable, durable or protective as conventional unperforated wall covering and, due to its higher permeability, it will not prevent building interior liquid or vapor moisture from going through the wallcovering into the wall and wall cavity. Protecting walls from interior liquid or vapor moisture intrusion can be an important requirement in many applications.

Wall Covering Selection & Installation

It is important to keep in mind that wall surfacing materials are only one component of a wall system (which includes exterior wall surface, sheathing, exterior wall cavity vapor barriers, insulation, framing, HVAC and among other materials). Prior to using any wall surfacing materials (including conventional or perforated vinyl wall coverings) an experienced building professional (who is familiar with the design and condition of the specific building, local conditions and the characteristics of vinyl wall covering) must be consulted to determine which wall surfacing materials are appropriate for that building.

All wall coverings must be installed by an experienced commercial wall covering installation professional who understands wall covering use and installation requirements, including the requirement to test for and eliminate sources of moisture accumulation prior to the installation of wall covering.

Building maintenance must include actions necessary to prevent the development of moisture accumulation sources as well as routine inspections for and prompt corrective action if moisture accumulation is found in a wall or wall cavity.

Double Hanging

Wall covering must not be hung over other wall covering. If a fire were to occur, wallcovering hung over other wallcovering will result in increased smoke generation, flammability, and toxicity.

Any such hanging is in violation of wall covering use instructions.

Installation Checklist

Read and follow all of these instructions:

  1. Check to ensure you received the correct pattern, colour and amount of wall covering
  2. Determine whether the building (including building walls) and wall covering materials are in suitable condition for installation to proceed
  3. Determine whether the wall covering should be installed as reversed or non-reversed and/or random, straight across, or drop match.
  4. Prepare wall surface and install as directed below.

NOTE: If at any time during the installation a discrepancy is discovered, STOP installation and contact your distributor or dealer to resolve before proceeding.

Building & Material Conditions

The building must be weather-tight with HVAC settings (including pressure, temperature and relative humidity) the same as those of an occupied building for three days prior to, and throughout installation and for three days after installation.

The walls must be structurally sound including elimination of sources of moisture accumulation into the wall or wall cavity.

The wall covering must be in a clean and dry condition and must be stored at normal occupied building temperature and humidity for at least three (3) days prior to installation.

All materials used in connection with installation, including all adhesives and primers must be new good quality commercial grade materials which have not been contaminated. A test installation of at least three strips applied three days in advance of the main installation is recommended.

Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is essential for a quality wall covering installation. Follow these instructions for hanging wall covering on gypsum board. Hanging on any other surface will require different instructions.

  1. The walls must be smooth, clean, dry, and free of mould, mildew, grease, or other stains. If you are installing over existing paint or primer, make sure that it has good adhesion to the wall. Any mould or mildew on a wall may be an indication of a moisture problem. The mould itself must be removed from the wall and any moisture accumulation sources must be corrected before proceeding with installation. Significant mould growth should be remedied by an experienced mould remediation professional under EPA guidelines for mould remediation. Any wall irregularities should be corrected with either spackling or drywall compound. Wall stains and marks such as ballpoint ink, grease, lipstick, crayon, marking pens, or inks must be removed from the wall. If stains and marks are not removed from a wall they may bleed through the wall covering.
  2. Remove old wallcovering completely including both top and bottom layers. After wall covering is removed, remove remaining adhesive with adhesive remover. Then rinse the wall and allow to dry.
  3. Apply wall covering primer containing a mould inhibitor. Do not use an oil based or alkyd primer not specified for wall covering.
  4. Note: Hanging wall covering on a non-permeable wall may result in extended adhesive drying times and a higher risk of mould growth.
  5. Note: If installing perforated wall covering the wall itself as well as wall primer must be permeable to achieve any wall system permeability benefit.


reverse hang
non-reverse hang
  1. After preparing the surface, use heavy-duty clay based adhesive for 20 oz. or higher weight wall covering. Wall covering that is 19 oz. or less can use a heavy duty clear adhesive. All adhesives must contain a mould inhibitor. Note: Perforated wall covering requires a permeable adhesive.
  2. Before cutting, examine wall covering to make certain pattern, colour and quantity is satisfactory and as ordered. Claims will not be accepted for cut yardage.
  3. Determine whether the wall covering should be installed as reverse or on non-reverse and/or random, straight across, or drop match. Generally, textured and non-matched patterns are reverse hung. If paneling occurs install three test strips as a non-reversed pattern and evaluate appearance. Check all roll tickets to determine if more than one run or lot of the same pattern is to be installed. If feasible use different lots in different rooms and if not feasible use inside corner to change lots.
  4. Cut panels and install headers in roll number sequence. Commercial wall covering must be installed in reverse roll number sequence.
  5. Install all wall covering under adequate lighting. Evaluate for colour uniformity under permanent lighting conditions. When this is not possible, duplicate the final lighting conditions as nearly as possible. After three strips are installed inspect the wall covering. If the pattern is not acceptable, or if there is variation in colour, discontinue hanging and contact the distributor immediately.We will not be liable for materials or labour charges over three strips.
  6. Measure the wall height, allowing for pattern match, add 10 centimetres, and then cut the wall covering. It will overlap onto the ceiling and the baseboard approximately 5 centimetres.
  7. Apply adhesive to the back using either a pasting machine or a paint roller. Work the adhesive in to cover the back completely, especially near the edges. Fold each end toward the middle, pasted sides together, aligning the edges carefully so they do not dry out. Caution: Do not crease the wall covering. Allow to “relax” or book for 10 minutes. This will allow the adhesive to penetrate the wall covering fabric which is important for a successful installation.
  8. Many geometric and matched patterns may require table trimming with a straight edge to ensure pattern uniformity across seams. Other patterns should be overlapped and double cut on the wall. Care should be exercised so that the wallboard underneath is not scored. A double cutting tool or seam pad is recommended to prevent scoring the wall. The selvage (excess trimmed edge) should be removed from the wall and the seam closed within 10 minutes.
  9. Hang the first strip to a plumb line and allow it to overlap onto the ceiling and baseboard. Use a smoothing brush, broad knife, or plastic smoother to remove any air bubbles and to make sure all of the wall covering has made good contact to the wall. Trim with scissors or razor knife at the ceiling and baseboard, around windows, etc.
  10. Use a seam roller to flatten the edges at the seams, ceiling, and baseboard. Use light pressure. Do not press hard enough to remove the adhesive from underneath the wall covering.
  11. Place the second strip to the edge of the first strip (or overlap and double cut) and smooth out firmly.
    • Repeat step #8
    • Sponge each strip with clean water to remove any excess adhesive
    • Use a soft bristle brush to clean if necessary
    • Change this wash water frequently
    • Blot these surfaces dry with a clean towel
    • Be certain to wash the ceiling and the baseboard to remove any paste residue
    • Do not leave any overlap at the seams since vinyl will not adhere to itself.
  12. Seams should be vertical, have a tight fit, and be free from air and paste bubbles. Seams should not be located closer than 15 centimetres to corners.

After three panels are smoothed to the wall surface and excess paste is removed, examine the installed panels for colour uniformity.

Panels on non-matching patterns normally have a width on the wall of 129-135 centimetres. Geometric and other matching patterns vary in “on the wall” width. It may be necessary to trim one or both selvages further to obtain uniform colour match across seams.

Proceed in the same manner around the room. Any objectionable variations in colour and/or pattern match must be immediately communicated to the distributor for inspection before proceeding further with the installation.

Suggested Hanging Techniques For Outside & Inside Corners


  • Use heavy-duty clay based adhesive and apply one layer to the corner of the wall and extend 15-23 centimetres on each side to the corner of the wall.
  • Let dry.
  • Do not dilute adhesive.
  • Apply additional adhesive to the wall covering and book for 10 minutes prior to hanging on the pasted corner.
  • Install the wall covering by matching at the seam and proceed to the corner.
  • Proceed to the corner by applying even pressure with a brush, plastic smoother or sponge to remove all air bubbles.
  • At the corner, a hot air blower can be used to relax the wall covering for the bend. Excess heat can damage the appearance of the wall covering.
  • Continue by wrapping wall covering around the corner with tension and apply even pressure with a brush, plastic smoother or sponge.
  • Then apply the rest of the wall covering strip. Even pressure is important since uneven pressure can move adhesive from where it is needed.
  • If necessary, use the brush, plastic smoother or sponge to firmly set the corner bead itself while removing visible air pockets in this zone.


To prevent creation of a seam on outside corner, inside corners should be cut and vinyl-over-vinyl or border over vinyl adhesive should be used where the vinyl overlaps.