Write Away Dry Erase Wall Covering

Write Away installation

Installation Guide

Instructions for the installation of our Write Away dry erase wall covering products.

Examine Material

Material should be carefully inspected BEFORE CUTTING to confirm the correct pattern and quantity ordered has been shipped. If there are different lot numbers, organise for installation with the same lot numbers together. Number the rolls for installing in sequence.

Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is critical for a high-quality wall covering installation. Any imperfections in the wall to be covered may read through to the surface of the installed material. Surface must be clean, smooth, dry, structurally sound and uniform in colour. Any existing imperfections in the wall surface, such as cracks, taped joints, dents, or nail heads should be sealed and sanded smooth. Ballpoint ink, grease, crayon, or any other foreign matter should be cleaned or removed.

Wall surfaces should not exceed 5% moisture content as measured by moisture meter. Apply product when the relative humidity in the installation area does not exceed 40% and the temperature is above 12 degrees Celsius. Those conditions should be maintained in the areas of both storage and installation for three days prior to and after the installation. It there are any questions concerning the surface to be covered, a test installation of at least one strip applied three days in advance of the main installation is recommended. Use only a lead pencil for marking the wall covering on the reverse side of the dry erase surface.

When installing MAGNET RECEPTIVE DRY ERASE, great care should be exercised when trimming wall covering around electrical outlets. These items may act as conductors of electricity due to the ferrous content. Do not allow this material to come into contact with any exposed wires. Turn off electricity when working around outlets. Cut around all electrical openings so adequate clearance is allowed between material and electrical wiring and boxes.


All dry wall surfaces should be primed or painted and must have cured a MINIMUM of 24 hours prior to dry erase wall covering installation. Other surfaces: Contact your supplier for recommendations.


FIRST pre-paste the wall area to be hung with a smooth and level coat of HEAVY-DUTY CLAY BASE ADHESIVE using a 3/8” Nap Roller. Pull down TIGHT for a texture-free surface. MUST let this coat dry before proceeding. This is a critical step to ensure a good bond to the wall surface and to allow the adhesive to air cure properly. Typical dry to touch time is 30 minutes to 1 hour.

After the first coat of adhesive is fully dry, apply a second smooth and level coat of HEAVY-DUTY CLAY BASE ADHESIVE to the wall surface using a 3/8”nap roller, then proceed to hang the dry erase wall covering.


We suggest hanging the dry erase wall covering horizontally to eliminate seams in the writing area. Overlapping and double cutting will produce the best seaming results. For full wall applications, it is recommended a full width first strip be centred on the wall in the most likely writing area. A plumb or level line must be established for an acceptable installation.

Take the wall covering to the wall. Do not crease the wall covering when handling. Keep the material free of any dirt or abrasiveness that may damage or scratch it. It is critical that any foreign particles on the back of the wall covering be removed before installation. Never puncture air bubble under the surface.

Remove air pockets or paste lumps, working toward the uncovered wall. Use a wall covering smoothing tool wrapped in a clean, soft cloth to ensure protection of the writing surface. The writing surface can be damaged by tools with hard, sharp, or abrasive edges. If the surface is scratched, marker residue may accumulate in that opening and leave a permanent mark. Work the wall covering from middle to the outside edge. Take care not to “overwork” the surface to avoid paste lumping.

When cutting seams, use the proper cutting tool to avoid scoring the wall. Carefully roll or press the seams down, being careful not to overwork the seam. Change blades often to insure clean cuts. If any frayed threads are present at the seams, cut them with a clean sharp razor blade. Do not pull threads to remove them. Vertical seams should not occur less than 15cm from any outside or inside comer.

After hanging one horizontal strip of dry erase material, examine the installed wall covering for color uniformity and overall appearance. Any problems with the installation should be communicated to the manufacturer and your representative BEFORE proceeding with the installation.

Clean Up

Remove all excess adhesive immediately using a clean, soft sponge and clean water. Do not use abrasive cleaners or dirty water. Change water often to keep it clean. Dry with a clean, soft towel.

Installation Over Chalkboards & Whiteboards


Carefully inspect the material BEFORE CUTTING to confirm the product and quantity ordered. Organize multiple lots for installation with same lot numbers together. Number the rolls for installing in sequence.

Drops should be cut 2” wider and longer than the existing board to allow for overhang at all edges.

Surface Preparation

Clean the surface with denatured alcohol prior to application of adhesive. All dents and imperfections must be repaired and sanded smooth. Auto Body Filler or Vinyl Spackle can be used to fill any seams, gouges, or dents. Any imperfections will show thru to the surface of the dry erase material. Use enamel spray paint similar in colour to the existing surface to cover any patches or imperfections.

Apply a smooth and even coat of wall covering primer to the clean surface. Use a ¼” nap roller. Apply wall covering primer over surface to be covered with wall covering.  All surfaces will require a SMOOTH AND even coat.


  • Apply an even coat of undiluted heavy duty clay wall covering adhesive to the back of the wall covering using a ¼” nap roller. A smooth, light coat, evenly applied across the entire surface will yield best results on the final dry erase wall covering appearance.
  • Do not “glob” adhesive, as adhesive “lumps” on the backside of the wall covering will read through to the surface.
  • Allow 5 to 10 minutes booking/set time before taking the material to the surface.
  • Do not “overwork” the material with the cloth-wrapped smoother, as it can result in adhesive “lumps/ ridges” that will show through.

Apply the heavy duty adhesive to the back of the wall covering.

Do not crease the material when handling.

Use a flexible wall covering smoother wrapped in a clean, soft cloth. Any sharp or abrasive tool can damage the writing surface. Keep the writing-side surface free of any dirt, grit, or abrasive materials. The writing surface can be scratched if proper care is not taken.

After the drop is positioned over the existing chalkboard, whiteboard, or metal surface, use the smoother to ensure consistent contact between the dry erase wall covering and the adhesive applied to the board surface and to remove air pockets, working the wall covering from the middle to the outside edges. It is critical that any foreign particles on the back of the wall covering or on the existing writing surface be removed before final installation. Grit/ dirt will read thru to the finished surface. Do not “overwork” the wall covering with the smoothing tool, as this can cause adhesive build up in certain areas. Adhesive build up will telegraph through, causing an “uneven” appearance. If any problems are experienced, STOP and call your Representative.

If covering an existing chalkboard with a seam or joint, install over the seam/joint, then cover the seam/joint area using a trim piece.

After the material is properly smoothed and adhered to the existing writing surface, use a new blade to trim excess material from the entire perimeter, being careful to maintain a snug fit to the existing trim or tray.

Allow adhesive to dry before using the dry erase surface for dry erase writing. This could take from 48 to 72 hours.

Clean Up

* Be sure to remove all excess adhesive immediately, using a soft sponge and clean water. Do not use any abrasive cleaners or dirty water.